BL Santosh: Decide Whether to Stay With BJP Or Exit
2023 • 11min • News • Politics
Published On: October 06, 2023 - The R word was unheard of in a party like the BJP. But it's happening in Telangana and what's worrisome is that it is too close to elections. The strife between 'outsiders' meaning those who have jumped ship from other parties and 'insiders' the so-called loyalists is increasing. The time of muted protests against party high command is now passe in Telangana BJP. The revolt is out in the open. As a desperate measure, B L Santosh, National Gen Secy and the go-to man has now issued a stern warning to all - stop complaining and shape or quit the party. Will B L Santosh succeed in restoring peace even as the state hurtles towards a crucial election?