4 Years of Galwan Clash: 4 Big Questions

2024 • 52min • National


Published On: June 14, 2024 - Four years ago, the People’s Liberation Army deployed two divisions into Eastern Ladakh. That aggressive PLA deployment shredded every peace and tranquility agreement both the countries had put in place for decades. But, if China thought the Indian army was a pushover they had something else coming. The Indian army and air force responded with counter-deployments of their own. On the 15th of June, both armies clashed in the Galwan Valley. The melee fighting saw the deaths of an officer and 19 indian soldiers. The PLA admitted only to four casualties but India believes there may have been many more. .Four years on, the crucial questions still remain. Analysing the current scenario in the backdrop of 4th anniversary of Galwan clash are News9 Plus Editor Sandeep Unnithan, along with colleague Anthony Sanu Rozario, Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Satish Dua, Former Goc, 15 Corps, Kashmir; and Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Sanjay Kulkarni,Former DG, Infantry. Don’t miss this crucial discussion and don’t forget to like, share and subscribe for more such topical and intellectually stimulating discussions.